Chemistry Olympiads problems based on the Honduran social context




problems, chemistry Olympiads, social context, problem-solving, students


Using chemistry problems based on social context can serve as a very effective method of introducing the content to students since this allows them to be involved in relevant issues that impact their environment and arouse their interest. For this reason, during the Honduran Chemistry Olympiad, the teachers created problems based on the Honduran social context to observe how this influenced the students' ability to solve problems. The authors demonstrate the benefits of incorporating context-based problems based on scientific evidence and student responses.


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How to Cite

Hernández, D. I., & MARTINEZ AGUILERA, A. M. (2023). Chemistry Olympiads problems based on the Honduran social context. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 10(1), 100–109.



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