Syndrome dimensions of burnout and coping strategies in workers of a multinational company in Guatemala City




Burnout syndrome is an advanced phase of stress it gradually disrupts the quality of life of those who suffer from it; it also implies the existence of cognitive and behavioral resources that the worker uses to deal with these stressful situations, which are known as coping. This non-experimental-cross-sectional, empirical, analytical study aimed to analyze the coincidence between the syndrome dimensions and coping strategies, as well as the correlations of the strategy with each other, which prevails in the workers of the logistics department of a multinational company in Guatemala City; 51 workers of both genders who worked in the office participated, an ad hoc sociodemographic and labor questionnaire, the modified Coping strategy scale (EEC-M) and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) were applied, it answered online through Google Forms application. For the analyses, a significance level of 5% was taken from the results obtained from the descriptive and inferential analysis. It was found in the coping strategies there is greater use of the aggressive reaction strategy (p < .05) when the worker presents high levels in the dimensions of the syndrome. The positive reappraisal strategy is more closely related to the dimension of personal accomplishment at work (rs = .34, p = .014), presenting lower stress levels. In conclusion, it is suggested to stimulate those strategies that are correlated with low levels in the different dimensions of burnout can be expected to improve job performance.


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How to Cite

Barrascout, D., & Betancur, J. D. (2023). Syndrome dimensions of burnout and coping strategies in workers of a multinational company in Guatemala City. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 10(1), 6–18.



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