Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella, isolated from cloacal swab samples from turtles in Guatemala


  • Dennis Sifried Guerra Centeno Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.
  • Joana Borrayo Godínez Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud
  • Carlos Valdez Sandoval Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud
  • Manuel Lepe López Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud
  • Federico Villatoro Paz Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud
  • Jacqueline Escobar Muñoz Departamento de Microbiología, FMVZ, USAC.
  • Mercedes Díaz Rodríguez Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud
  • Ligia Ríos Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud



Salmonellosis is a relevant public health threat worldwide. Reptiles are commonly involved in cases in humans. A microbiological survey was conducted from August to October 2018 to isolate Salmonella bacteria and look for antibiotic-resistant isolates in pet turtles of five species (Kinosternon sp., Rhinoclemmys sp., Staurotypus sp., Trachemys scripta y T. venusta) in Guatemala City and San Lucas Sacatepéquez. Cloacal swabs were taken from 63 turtle individuals and cultivated in the Microbiology Laboratory at the Veterinary Medicine Faculty, University of San Carlos of Guatemala. Three samples were positive to the presence of Salmonella sp. One of these isolates (from Trachemys scripta) was resistant to Gentamicin, Penicillin and Amikacin, other isolate (from T. scripta) was partially resistant to Amoxicilin+Clavulanic Acid and Penicillin and other (from T. venusta) to Penicillin. These findings highlight the need for better biosecurity practices and show the capacity of bacteria to develop survival strategies that involve resistance to harmful substances like antibiotics.     

Key words: Salmonellosis, public health, epidemiology, zoonoses, multiresistant gram negative bacteria. 


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Author Biography

Dennis Sifried Guerra Centeno, Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

2013 a la fecha: Director del Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud, FMVZ, USAC.

2009 a la fecha: Coordinador de la Maestría en Manejo de Vida Silvestre, FMVZ, USAC.

2002 a 2013: Coordinador de la Unidad de Vida Silvestre, FMVZ, USAC.



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How to Cite

Guerra Centeno, D. S., Borrayo Godínez, J., Valdez Sandoval, C., Lepe López, M., Villatoro Paz, F., Escobar Muñoz, J., Díaz Rodríguez, M., & Ríos, L. (2020). Antibiotic-Resistant Salmonella, isolated from cloacal swab samples from turtles in Guatemala. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 7(2), 196–204.



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