Inmune response to various H. pylori proteins in Guatemalan patients
The immune response to recombinant Helicobacter pylori proteins was determined in dyspeptic patients (adults and children), patients with gastric cancer, and their asymptomatic adults’ relatives living with them. The recomLine® Helicobacter IgG and IgA test were used and based on the recognition of the virulence factors VacA and CagA, it was determined whether the H. pylori strain was type I or II. The data analysis was descriptive and analytic, and 95% confidence intervals were estimated, with an error level of 0.05, and Odds ratio. The patients that presented the bacterium in histological biopsy were 58.7% (121/206), positivity that decreased with age and histological damage. The frecuency of response to IgG antibodies was higher than IgA, in both cases, it was lower in children. VacA and CagA were the H. pylori proteins most recognized by both IgA and IgG and it was observed that the number of recognized proteins was greater with increasing histological damage. The type I strain was the one that predominated in the study population 66% (136/206). Prevalence studies of the type I strain of H. pylori and the recognition of its antigens in the Guatemalan population should continue in order to determine its usefulness in the diagnosis and prognosis of infection.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2021 Glenda B. Tello, Vanesa I. Wannan, Andrea M. Duarte, Walter O. Guerra, Isabel E. Guerra, Ana C. Ortiz, Alfonso Zetina, Jorge Gómez, Jorge L. De León, Karla J. Lange, Vivian Lucrecia Matta

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