Identification of microorganisms of Phytophthora genre associated to Quercus sp. and Pinus sp. species in the provinces of Guatemala and Sacatepéquez


  • Jose Humberto Calderon Diaz Instituto de Investigaciones Agronómicas y Ambientales, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala
  • Maria del Carmen Santos Bravo Instituto de Investigaciones Agronómicas y Ambientales, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala



Phytophthora, Pinus, Quercus, incidence, severity, pathogenicity


The mean purpose of this research was to identify microorganism belonging to Phytophthora genera which are affecting mixed natural forests and nurseries of Pinus sp. and Quercus sp. These species have economic and social impact in provinces such as Guatemala and Sacatepéquez. Soil and vegetal tissue were used to isolate Phytophthora from natural forest of Guatemala, 45 Pinus sp. and 10 Quercus sp. were sampled and from nurseries 88 Pinus sp. and 11 Quercus sp. From Sacatepéquez province, from natural forest system were sampled 48 Pinus sp. and 15 Quercus sp. From nurseries were sampled 58 Pinus sp. and 25 Quercus sp. After processing the samples from soil and roots 13 were found positive to Phytophthora sp. in Pinus maximinoi, 10 from Guatemala and three from Sacatepéquez provinces. The culture of Phytophthora sp. on PDA produced two colonies without define form and five stoloniferous, five semipetaloid, one stelade type colonies. VP16 isolate was inoculated in five species of pine for pathogenicity test, causing high percentages of incidence and severity on Pinus caribaea, P. oocarpa, P. pseudostrobus and P. maximinoi and low rates of incidence and severity on Pinus tecunumanii.


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How to Cite

Calderon Diaz, J. H., & Santos Bravo, M. del C. (2015). Identification of microorganisms of Phytophthora genre associated to Quercus sp. and Pinus sp. species in the provinces of Guatemala and Sacatepéquez. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 2(1), 47–52.



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