Morphometric characterization of chickens naked neck Gallus domesticus nudecullis in the ch'ortí­, region, Guatemala


  • Raúl Jáuregui Instituto de Investigación, Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Héctor Flores Instituto de Investigación, Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Luis Vasquez Instituto de Investigación, Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Marí­a J. Oliva Instituto de Investigación, Centro Universitario de Oriente (CUNORI), Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Hen morphology, zoometriy, local zoogenetics resources


Hens and roosters naked neck (324 females and 60 males) were characterized morphological and phenotypically in four villages of the ch’ortí­ area in the province of Chiquimula. Variables evaluated were 18 quantitative for females and 16 for males, nine qualitative and eight zoometrics ranges. The zoometric variables analyzed were made according to the univariate analysis procedure with measurements of central tendency and dispersion measurements to analyze the proportion and harmony between the different corporeal areas we used the Pearson correlation. In the results weight of 1.84 kg/female and 2.29 kg/male; raised 27.84 cm/female and 32.51cm/male; metatarsal 10.25 cm/female and 11.76 cm/male; the hen has more height than length, raised in the front, concerning to the perimeters, the abdominal is the biggest and curved, which is characteristic in lay eggs hens with flat dorsal. Corporeal indices, they are elongated birds, reproductive capability (pelvic index 71.82%) and less muscles developed to produce meat as food for humans (compactness index 6.80% female and 7.03% male), elongated head, elliptical thorax and long and strong extremities. Phenotypically and morphologically characteristics describe a bird with white skin, yellow metatarsus, feathering on the throat, simple crest, chin and earlobes, the feathering colors are a combination of brown, black, grey, and white, and the colors of the egg shell are from white to light brown, and also has a good corporal harmony up to 61%, which brings an acceptable mild homogeneity comparable to the structure of a hen.


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How to Cite

Jáuregui, R., Flores, H., Vasquez, L., & Oliva, M. J. (2015). Morphometric characterization of chickens naked neck Gallus domesticus nudecullis in the ch’ortí­, region, Guatemala. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 2(1), 5–12.



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