Using software to evaluate thermodynamics properties of pure substances in thermodynamics courses


  • Ana Rufina Herrera Soto Área de Investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • William E. Fagiani Área de Investigación, desarrollo tecnológico e innovación Escuela de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



Free Open source, Jupyter notebook, CoolProp, Cantera, teaching thermodynamics, Python


Is in thermodynamics courses where engineering students learn how to estimate the thermodynamic properties of substances, by using different kinds of models including equations of state, thermodynamics tables, and charts. The thermodynamics tables are the result of tabulating the information obtained by using multiparameter equations, the information that is shown in these tables could also be saved in different kinds of software. The implementation of this kind of technology in a thermodynamics course brings different advantages, like saving time spent on calculations and allowing to focus the class on the study of concepts. However, the economic value associated with purchasing user licenses could be a limitation to use this kind of software. To avoid this problem the implementation of free open source software could be evaluated. Examples of this kind of software are the libraries of thermodynamic data: Cantera and CoolProp, which can be accessed by using different programming languages like Python. The use of Cantera and CoolProp is free. When using this kind of software to estimate data the user must write programming codes. This may seem intimidating for a person with little experience in coding, but this could also be an advantage because it could lead the student to understand the relationship between the variables, the thermodynamic concepts, and the codes needed in his calculations. Is in thermodynamics courses where engineering students learn how to estimate the thermodynamic properties of substances, by using different kinds of models including equations of state, thermodynamics tables, and charts. The thermodynamics tables are the result of tabulating the information obtained by using multiparameter equations, the information that is shown in these tables could also be saved in different kinds of software. The implementation of this kind of technology in a thermodynamics course brings different advantages, like saving time spent on calculations and allowing to focus the class on the study of concepts. However, the economic value associated with purchasing user licenses could be a limitation to the use of this kind of software. To avoid this problem the implementation of free open source software could be evaluated. Examples of this kind of software are the libraries of thermodynamic data: Cantera and CoolProp, which can be accessed by using different programming languages like Python. The use of Cantera and CoolProp is free. When using this kind of software to estimate data the user must write programming codes. This may seem intimidating for a person with little experience in coding, but this could also be an advantage because it could lead the student to understand the relationship between the variables, the thermodynamic concepts, and the codes needed in his calculations.


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How to Cite

Herrera Soto, A. R., & Fagiani, W. E. (2023). Using software to evaluate thermodynamics properties of pure substances in thermodynamics courses. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 10(2), 192–203.



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