Effect of vegetation cover of uninhabited areas on the perception of ecologically viable containers available for the development of Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, 1762
Zika, Generalized Linear Models, Vegetation Cover Indices, Vector Control, Mosquito-Borne DiseasesAbstract
In Guatemala, the dengue virus vector transmitted by Aedes aegypti Linnaeus, 1762 (Diptera: Culicidae) is distributed throughout the country. Being anthropophilic, it is usually found in any human-associated container that stores water, such as domestic water basins, used tires, batteries, or even inside the hard husks of fruits like coconuts. After the Zika epidemic in 2015, it was suggested that there is a relationship between non-residential larval habitats with little or no vegetation cover and the persistence of ecologically viable containers for mosquito populations-. Consequently, we conducted a study around the cities of San Benito and Santa Elena, Petén to establish the effect that non-residential larval habitats have on containers hidden by vegetation. To achieve this, we visited non-residential larval habitats with vegetation cover in each area to record the number of potential water containers and larvae per evaluation site. We also photographed the study area to calculate vegetation cover indices (GRVI y VARI). With this information, the possible relationship of the variables was evaluated by fitting generalized linear models with Poisson distribution with inflated zeros. According to our model, the average number of containers that we could find per evaluated non-residential larval habitat is 78 (σ = 9); and considering the number of zeros obtained during the study there is 70% probability (σ = 2) of not detecting them in the evaluation areas. These findings demonstrate how the presence of plant cover influences the visibility of suitable breeding containers for Aedes aegypti, and the occurrence of false negatives rises accordingly.
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