Evaluation of antibiotics resistance of Escherichia coli strains isolated in pork sold in municipal markets of Guatemala City
Public health, Antibiotic, Pork, Kirby BauerAbstract
Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health problem that is increasing and is reflected in the lack of efficacy of bacterial infection treatments with antibiotics in both humans and animals. The objective of this study was to evaluate the resistance to antibiotics of Escherichia coli strains isolated from pork in the municipal markets of Guatemala City. Antibiotics with the highest resistance and those with the highest sensitivity in vitro against the strains of E. coli were evaluated. A simple random sampling was carried out with proportional allocation by market, and 76 samples were collected. IMViC test was used to identify the E. coli strains, and antibiotics resistance was evaluated using the Kirby Bauer with nine different antibiotics. E. coli was isolated in 55% (42/76) of the samples. Resistance was evaluated in the 42 isolates. Antibiotic resistance was detected to tetracycline (83%), neomycin (50%), and sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim (50 %). All isolates presented resistance to at least one antibiotic; it was determined that 83% (35/42) showed resistance to two antibiotics and 50% (21/42) showed resistance to three antibiotics or more. The sensitivity obtained was higher for ceftriaxone (91%), amikacin (83%), gentamicin (65%), and nalidixic acid (65%). In conclusion, antibiotic resistance was detected, which constitutes a risk to public health since it is found in isolated strains in food for human consumption.
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Funding data
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
Grant numbers DES02-2020