Input of Nitrogen and Phosphorus to Lake Atitlán (Guatemala) via atmospheric deposition


  • Margaret A. Dix CEA, UVG
  • Sofia Gomez Centro Universitario del Occidente, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala
  • Ovidio F. Garcia-Oliva Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
  • Michael W. Dix Universidad del Valle de Guatemala
  • Claudia S. Romero-Oliva Universidad delValle de Guatemala
  • Jorge Garcia-Polo



eutrophication, nutrient relative contribution, neotropical watersheds


Atmospheric nutrient deposition has serious impacts on the ecology of forests and temperate water bodies nevertheless its importance in Neotropical water bodies has hardly been studied. Here we quantify the contribution of bulk atmospheric deposition on wet surfaces of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, [NO3--N + NH4+-N]) and soluble inorganic phosphorus (SIP, [PO4-3-P]) into Lake Atitlán (Guatemala). The estimated NID and SIP loads from this direct deposition on the lake surface were respectively, 151.2 tons/year and 5.6 tons/year. With these results, we estimated that the SIP input from atmospheric deposition to Lake Atitlán is comparable to that from the lake’s main tributary rivers, whereas for DIN entry this is almost twice as much. Estimates for Lake Atitlán are higher than those reported for many lakes. Our study provides basic information towards understanding the eutrophication of Lake Atitlán, emphasizes the importance of atmospheric deposition in this process and the need for additional studies to document the process in neotropical watersheds


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Author Biographies

Margaret A. Dix, CEA, UVG

Investigadora, Centro de Estudios Atitlan

Ovidio F. Garcia-Oliva, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht

Institute of Coastal Research

Michael W. Dix, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala

Investigador, Centro de Estudios Atitlan

Claudia S. Romero-Oliva, Universidad delValle de Guatemala

Investigadora Centro de Estudios Atitlan

Jorge Garcia-Polo

Centro de Estudios Atitlán, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala Campus Altiplano


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Imagen del Lago de Atitlan



How to Cite

Dix, M. A., Gomez, S., Garcia-Oliva, O. F., Dix, M. W., Romero-Oliva, C. S., & Garcia-Polo , J. (2022). Input of Nitrogen and Phosphorus to Lake Atitlán (Guatemala) via atmospheric deposition. Ciencia, Tecnología Y Salud, 9(1), 6–18.



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