We speak garifuna, eat ereba, dance yancunu and laughed with uraga The Garifuna culture: intagible heritage


  • Alfonso Arrivillaga Dirección General de Investigación




heritage, nation, public policies, management, sef-management


This article follows the nomination that the Belizean Garífuna made to include their language, music, dance
and orality to the candidacy of a masterpiece of humanity promoted by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco). To this end, it includes the concerns of this supranational organization and the route of the nomination by the Garífuna nation and later by the nation-states where they are located as a group. Several fundamental questions are being constructed from the beginning, looking to problematize about the why and effectiveness of the nominations, paying with it the analytical look of the exercise of the implementation of national policies once the nomination was achieved. This work suggests irresponsible and even racist actions of nation-states, requires revising the notions of patrimonialism and patrimonialization, one as an exercise of meaning, the other as a management good. The study pays particular interest in the case of Guatemala,
regarding the analysis of the State’s actions as a counterpart to the nominations; Observation and open interviews, as well as a review of the literature, and the fact that some of the events are part of the current events constitute the methodological lines of this work.


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Author Biography

Alfonso Arrivillaga, Dirección General de Investigación

Anthropologist, ethnomusicologist. Senior researcher at the University of San Carlos de Guatemala. Author of various articles on his specialty. Editor of the Journal of Ethnomusicology Senderos.


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How to Cite

Arrivillaga, A. (2019). We speak garifuna, eat ereba, dance yancunu and laughed with uraga The Garifuna culture: intagible heritage. Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 6(1), 55–70. https://doi.org/10.36829/63CHS.v6i1.771