Adolescent narratives about confinement due to COVID-19 and the difficulties of returning to in-person classes
Life experiences, academic performance, online learning, face-to-face classes, learning difficultiesAbstract
After three years of studying from home due to the mandatory confinement by COVID-19, they returned to the classrooms. When consulting a group of middle school teachers about the difficulties of returning to face-to-face classes, they pointed out, among others, a serious delay in the expected competencies of the students. The general objective is to understand how the life and study experience during confinement relates to the difficulties in returning to face-to-face classes. The specific objectives are: (a) to describe the life experience of the students during confinement; (b) to describe the study experience during confinement; (c) to identify the difficulties faced by the students in returning to face-to-face classes; (d) to explain the students’ perception of the relationship between their life and study experience during confinement and the difficulties in returning to face-to-face classes. The applied research responds to a constructivist paradigm, qualitative approach, phenomenological design and inductive analysis; with descriptive and explanatory scope. The sampling was intentional and worked with students from the fourth diversified cycle with interviews and micro life stories. The study is important as it gives voice to the students and rescues and produces narratives for a more integral understanding of the problem, which allows to address it in a better way. The results show a weakness in the didactics of distance education and its teaching and learning strategies, in addition to intrinsic and extrinsic situations that affected life and study.
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