Reflections about the relation betwen education and culture in the latinamerican school


  • Paulette Barberousse Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica


culture, critical education, colonial mentality, ideological homogenization, educaction inequality, sense of education


As culture it the environment which gives sense human life, school may be a institution closely connected
with him. The historical conditions of constitution of Latin American societies, makes him propensive to
reproduce, acritical, education models of thinking from other cultural environments, considering which students
will be apathetic because they feel the sensation that they are studying useless things. This article suggest the need
to take in account cultural dimension in the educational system; that means to study “the own”. At the same time,
is necessary to recognize the diversity of world’s vision contains in the school in societies organized in different
social classes, with different needs and interests, sometimes antagonists, which transform him in space in dispute.


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Author Biography

Paulette Barberousse, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Paulette Barberousse Alfonso; profesora de la Divi-
sión de Educación Básica de la Universidad Nacio-
nal de Costa Rica; Doctora en Educación; área de
desempeño e investigación: formación docente para
educación general básica; correo electrónica: pau-; teléfonos: (506) 22676063;
(506) 88406822; Apartado postal 383, San Rafael de
Heredia 3015; Costa Rica


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How to Cite

Barberousse, P. (2014). Reflections about the relation betwen education and culture in the latinamerican school. Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 9–16. Retrieved from


