Subjective well-being, depression, and anxiety in students from Guatemala City
life satisfaction, frame of mind, perception, experiencies, psychological disordersAbstract
In this research, the association of anxiety and depression with student’s subjective well-being from Guatemala City was determined. The approach was quantitative and the desing was non-experimental, cross-sectional, and predictive. For the analysis, a binomial logistic regression was performed with a variance model. The measurement included the index of Subjective Well-being index of the World Health Organization (WHO-5), the PHQ-2 scale (Patient Health Question Naire) and GAD-2 (Generalized Aniety Disorder). The participation of 249 students from four public schools was obtained. The mean age was 17.50 (SD = 1.29); 160 (67.26 %) were women and 89 (35.75%) men. The odds’ ratio (OR) was obtained for a low indicator of major depressive disorder 4,157 (95 % CI 2.13 - 8.08) and a low indicator of generalized anxiety disorder 1,971 (95% CI 1.03 - 3.77) increases subjective well-being; with an explained variance of 22.30 % (Nagelkerke R²) in the model it significant (p <.001). These results show that indicators of anxiety and depression can negatively affect Subjective Well-being. Furthermore, subjective well-being can be considered as a moderating variable for future mental health interventions.
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