School effect and achievement levels in mathematics, communication and language in 2018 diversified level graduates from Guatemala City
Calidad educativa, composición estudiantil, factores asociados al aprendizaje, inversión en educaciónAbstract
The objective of the research was to determine the association between school effect and the level of achievement in mathematics, communication, and language in 2018 diversified level graduates from Guatemala City. The focus of the study is quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional and predictive in scope, using binomial logistic regression as an analysis technique. The data obtained from 233 graduates from three institutions were analyzed; based on measurements made by the School of Psychological Sciences, and the Ministry of Education. M age was 17.34 (SD = 0.91), out of 140 men and 93 women. The probability ratio for achievement in mathematics is 10.62 (95% CI 3.19 - 35.33); having an explained variance of 15.60% (Nagelkerke ), and for communication and language, 4.643 (95% CI 2.47 - 8.712); with an explained variance of 13.70% (Nagelkerke ); both models are significant (p < .05). The results show that it is possible to estimate the school effect that is, the positive association of attending a specific school and achievement. Therefore, when there are better conditions in the educational establishment, there is a probability of an increase in the Odds ratio of achieving achievement in the evaluation of graduates of the Ministry of Education of Guatemala.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Donald W. González-Aguilar, Hector M. Muñoz-Alonzo, Daniel E. Sojuel, Miriam E. Ponce-Ponce
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