Analysis of the physicochemical parameters of the sludge from the Panama City WWTP due to the influence of the thermal hydrolysis process (THP)
wastewater, hydrolyzed sludge, fecal coliforms, sludge treatment, pre-thickened sludge, digested sludgeAbstract
Population growth and industrial expansion have led to the production of ever-increasing volumes of wastewater and thus have also increased the demand for methods of wastewater treatment. The pretreatment of the thermal hydrolysis process (THP) has been one of the methods that have been developed in countries to improve the management of sludge produced during wastewater treatment. Panama City has implemented this process with the construction of the second WWTP Module. The function of the thermal hydrolysis process is to cause the cell walls to break under the effect of high temperature and pressure, resulting a highly solubilized product that is readily biodegradable. In this investigation, the physical and chemical parameters corresponding to several samples taken directly from this plant were analyzed in the laboratory, with the aim of measuring the influence that THP has on the quality of organic sludge. These results showed a significant influence of the THP process in the sludge, finding a 40 to 60 percent decrease in volatile solids, these results show a sludge of better quality and less volume generated, being able to take advantage of this in agricultural use, among other possible uses.
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