Analysis of Water Quality in Volcanic Springs for Human Consumption Supply


  • Sammy Francisco Hernández Aviles Estudiante


volcanic aquifers, anions, Boron, cations, toxicology


Panimaché I and Panimaché II villages are communities situated on the slopes of the Volcán de Fuego, where the potable water supply is affected during each volcanic activity, impacting both the supply infrastructure and water quality. The water used for human consumption and irrigation is sourced from one of the springs located on municipal lands in the northeastern part of the distribution tank. For the current study, the following parameters of potential geogenic contamination were monitored: Chlorides (Cl-), Fluorides (F-), Sulfate (SO42-), Manganese (Mn), Iron (Fe), Boron (B), and Arsenic (As). These were measured at the intake boxes of the springs that supply Panimaché I and Panimaché II with the aim of establishing a baseline for analyzing water quality in volcanic springs concerning geogenic contamination in these aquifers and comparing it with the Guatemalan Technical Standard COGUANOR 29001, which establishes the Maximum Permissible Limits for water intended for human consumption in Guatemala. The data obtained showed that the parameters measured in this study, which were within the detection range of the equipment used (Boron and Sulfate), presented concentrations below the Maximum Permissible Limits established in the Guatemalan standard for drinking water, with a median of 0.20 milligrams per liter for Boron and 8.255 milligrams per liter for Sulfate.


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How to Cite

Hernández Aviles, S. F. (2023). Analysis of Water Quality in Volcanic Springs for Human Consumption Supply. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 18(2), Artículo e1540. Retrieved from