He Evaluation of a household greywater treatment system based on multiple filters


  • Edgar Rolando Pichiyá Umul University of San Carlos of Guatemala image/svg+xml




Organic matter removal, phosphorus removal, anthracite sand, biological phosphorus precipitation, bacterial phosphorus adsorption, gray water reuse


Research on greywater treatment aims to contribute to sustainability and the conservation of water resources. This study evaluated an economical greywater treatment system using a prototype composed of four barrels, based on low-cost, recycled materials, inspired by Jordan's "Barrel System" used in 2007. The system includes four compartments: one for grease removal, one containing gravel, and two with anthracite sand. The study utilized greywater from a washing machine and a dishwashing sink, excluding other sources due to hydraulic, spatial, and cost limitations. To evaluate the removal efficiency of settleable solids, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), hydrogen potential (pH), and total phosphorus (Pt), the 1060B method from the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater was used. Statistical analysis was conducted with a 95% confidence level. The results showed an average removal efficiency of 54% for biochemical oxygen demand and 48% for chemical oxygen demand. Significant differences were identified between the initial values of settleable solids and total phosphorus, with a tendency to decrease, and the hydrogen potential showed a significant reduction of 9% from its initial average value. This multi-filter system presents a viable proposal for household-level greywater treatment.


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How to Cite

Pichiyá Umul, E. R. (2023). He Evaluation of a household greywater treatment system based on multiple filters. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 18(2), Artículo e1521. https://doi.org/10.36829/08ASA.v18i2.1521