Eutrophication, lentic body, mesotrophic, total nitrogen, oligotrophic, water clarity, trophicAbstract
Ayarza lagoon, also named "Blue Lake" for the color that owns, is located north of the Santa Rosa (between the towns of Casillas and San Rafael Las Flores), at an altitude of 1,409 meters on the level the sea and covers about 14 square kilometers. The factors involved in determining the trophic status of lentic system are: water clarity, total phosphorous, total nitrogen and chlorophyll. In the development of this research was conducted the determination of trophic status based solely on water clarity and total nitrogen. The values obtained for both parameters were compared with the classification of the degree of eutrophication of the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) and criteria for degrees of eutrophication of Nuremberg and Sweden. According to average water clarity of Ayarza lagoon (5.19 meters) and according to the degree of eutrophication table of OECD is that the lagoon is within the mesotrophic state. Comparing the average total nitrogen (0.60 mg / liter) to the criteria of Nuremberg and Sweden concluded that the Ayarza lagoon is located within the mesotrophic state.
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