Relación de sólidos sedimentados con la eficiencia de las trampas de grasas (desengrasadores)


  • Martín Chinchilla Paniagua Ing. Civil, M.Sc. Ingeniería Sanitaria, ERIS-USAC, Guatemala Administradora y Constructora Sostenible ADCOS S.A.



Commercial wastewater, fats and oils, multiple regression model, SPSS software, sediments


This article evaluates the relation between the design parameters of the grease traps and the removal efficiency of fats and oil of commercial wastewaters, generated in a cafeteria. Thirty samplings determined an average of 2.28m3 per day of flows, 94 mg/L of grease, 1103 mg/L of BOD5, 2109 mg/L of COD, 276 mg/L of suspended solids and 0.45m3/L of sediments. The correlation of these variables is checked by a statistical multiple regression model, using the SPSS software, displaying a 55% of R2 between the grease trap efficiency with the volume and the enter flow. Resulting a 0.996 Pearson correlation between the sediment volume and the grease trap volume, the grease represent a 0.952 Pearson correlation. The design equation to calculate the total volume of a grease trap, is amended, now based on four additional variables, days of operation, the working time of the business establishment, the daily generation of fats and oils and sediments, basically the sum of three volumes, design, grease and sediment . The article is part of research: "Relation between design parameters of grease traps (degreasers) versus its efficiency in commercial wastewater".


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How to Cite

Chinchilla Paniagua, M. (2016). Relación de sólidos sedimentados con la eficiencia de las trampas de grasas (desengrasadores). Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 11(1), 44–53.



Scientific Articles