
  • Andy Williams Alonzo Vásquez Ingeniero civil, Msc. en ingeniería sanitaria Facultad de Ingeniería, USAC


Water analysis, water quality, wastewater characteristics, infiltration


The percentages of removal between a prototype of gravel and soil and other with a pet and soil are analyzed, where it is shown that the difference does not exceed 5%, so that replacing the gravel material by pet may become an option for the Treatment of domestic wastewater without affecting the performance that allows the reduction of contaminants. The system consists of a primary treatment and 2 prototypes as secondary treatment, at a depth of 1.5 meters the removal efficiency was 95% in the parameters of: total suspended solids, color, biochemical oxygen demand to five days and Chemical Oxygen demand. The reduction of these pollutants reached a concentration lower than that established in Acuerdo Gubernativo 236-2006 "Reglamento de las descargas y reuso de aguas residuales y de la disposición de lodos". However, parameters such as nitrogen, total phosphorus and fecal coliforms reduced in 4 logarithmic cycles do not exceed 85% of removal in both prototypes, and therefore do not comply with the mentioned Guatemalan legislation.


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How to Cite

Alonzo Vásquez, A. W. (2017). USE OF SOIL AND PET FOR DOMESTIC WASTEWATER TREATMENT. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 12(1), 58–65. Retrieved from



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