
  • Mario Zea Cano Ingeniero civil MSc. en ingeniería sanitaria ERIS USAC GUATEMALA
  • Félix Alan Douglas Aguilar Carrera MSc. ingeniero civil, profesor Escuela Regional de Ingeniería Sanitaria ERIS USAC


Chlorophytes algae, nutrient removal, eutrophication, third degree stage


Nutrient removal in wastewater has become in recent years a topic of wide discussion in the scientific community, due to the impacts posed to water resources in contact with high levels of nutrients. A lot of water resources are exposed to accelerated eutrophication processes, one of the main causes for it are the discharges of wastewater. This situation has prompted several researchers to develop technologies for nutrient removal, one of these is the use of chlorophyte algae. Several studies, have had favorable results in the laboratory by inoculating different species of chlorophyte algae, therefore it is important to establish whether is possible or not that residual water from trickling filters can promptly develop chlorophyte algae naturally (without inoculation) and determine the biomass that can be generated in this type of application. The study achieved favorable results in identifying chlorophytes algae developed naturally (in natural conditions of lighting and temperature), obtaining an average production of chlorophytes algae ranging between 481 and 13,718 cells per milliliter. During the study, it was possible to identify two species of algae Scenedesmus sp., and Chlorella sp., which in studies conducted by (Mahapatra, Chanakya, & Ramahandra, 2013) , have reached acceptable efficiencies in nutrient removal. This study opens the possibility to develop appropriate technologies for Central American countries, for using biological process with chlorophytes algae in wastewater for nutrient removal in a third degree stage.


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How to Cite

Zea Cano, M., & Aguilar Carrera, F. A. D. (2017). ANALYSIS OF ALGAE GROWTH GENERATED IN WASTEWATER EFFLUENT FROM A PERCOLATOR FILTER. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 12(1), 19–25. Retrieved from



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