Use of Mangífera índica seed as a natural coagulant for purification treatment


  • Irasema Karina Oliveros Godínez 1Escuela Regional de Ingeniería Sanitaria y Recursos Hidráulicos, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala


water for human consumption, jar test, cotyledon, Mangífera índica, , aluminum sulfate, turbidity


In many rural areas of Guatemala, the water service is provided intermittently and does not meet the characteristics of drinking water, mainly due to the presence of high concentrations of turbidity and color. These characteristics of the water can be reduced through the process of coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation with coagulants that can be natural and inorganic, with inorganic coagulants being the most widely used, due to the few scientific information that exists about the use of organic coagulants. This research analyzed the percentage of substitution or combination of the coagulant based on the grinding of Mangifera índica (mango) seeds by aluminum sulfate Al2(SO4)3. The jar test was used for the study because it simulates the coagulation-flocculation process that takes place in a water treatment plant. According to the study carried out, the organic coagulant based on Mangifera indica seed grinding reached a turbidity removal percentage of 93.21% for a turbidity range of 215 NTU to 512 NTU. It was also determined that the combination that reported the best efficiency during the study is the one carried out with 40% aluminum sulfate Al2(SO4)3, mixed with 60% organic coagulant based on Mangifera índica seed (mango). This combination of organic and inorganic coagulant achieved residual turbidity values ​​below 5 NTU required by the Guatemalan standard for human consumption (COGUANOR NTG 29001), however, its application is limited by its production cost.


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How to Cite

Oliveros Godínez, I. K. . (2022). Use of Mangífera índica seed as a natural coagulant for purification treatment. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 17(1), 13–21. Retrieved from



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