Field design to reduce water erosion in soils at the Guatemalan sugar agroindustry
Hillside ditches, surface runoff, soil conservation, watershed geographic information systemsAbstract
The following publication describes the design criteria for the construction of soil conservation measures and the
experiences obtained, from a technical-scientific point of view that search a better management of the soils in the
area. Study that was carried out thanks to the support of Ingenio La Unión, Private Research Institute on Climate
Change, Guatemalan Center for Research and Training of Sugarcane. The basic criteria for the design of soil
conservation structures in these areas consider the historical record of precipitation area, the topography and the
soil conditions. The results obtained in areas with soil conservation design, erosion rates of 0.0 T/ha at 7.8 T/ha in
three months evaluated, therefore it does not perceive a net erosion greater than the natural or slight erosion (<10
T/ha/year, FAO 1981); getting volume of 2.9 m3 a 56.0 m3 corresponding to 2.15 % and 12.0 % of the total capacity
of evaluated ditches, showing in this way that slope ditches are soil conservation structures, which can be considered
as alternatives in the direction and conservation of soils in the high and middle parts of the guatemalan sugarcane
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