Environmental life cycle assessment of the “gate to gate” wastewater treatment plant type of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala
Environmental impact, environmental load, eutrophication, climate change, exhaustion of abiotic resourcesAbstract
This article aims to contribute to the applicability of the “Gate to Gate” Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) concept (that is to say, it analyzes the environmental impact from the moment the waste water enters the treatment plant until it exits) in the wastewater treatment plant of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, which has percolator filter technology. The applied ACV methodology aimed to identify and quantify the environmental impacts of four categories. Resulting in a generation of 0 MJ / m3 for the abiotic resources depletion category, 0,0336 kg eq PO−4/ m3 for eutrophication, 0,2563 kg eq CO2 / m3 for climate change and a pollutant load index (ICC ) of 56,21 for the pollution of pollutant loads to a receiving body category. Finally, it is proposed to make use of biogas and treated water and sludge sub-products in order to minimize the environmental impact generated by the waste water treatment of the university city.
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