Evaluation of an anaerobic baffle reactor (ABR) for the treatment of wastewater from a wet coffee mill


  • Ana Gloria Montes Peña Ingeniera Química, M. Sc. en Ingeniería Sanitaria, ERIS-USAC, Guatemala
  • Adán Pocasangre Collazos Ingeniero Civil, M. Sc. en Ingeniería Sanitaria, ERIS-USAC, Guatemala. Profesor titular ERIS-USAC, Guatemala


Wastewater, wastewater characteristics, water analysis, biological processes, coffee processing wastewater, hydrogen potential


This article shows the results of the evaluation of an anaerobic reactor with baffles (ABR) built on a laboratory scale, to determine its efficiency in the treatment of coffe processing wastewater generated in a coffee milling located in Santa Rosa, Guatemala. Based on the physicochemical analyzes carried out, it was determined that the reactor was capable of increasing the hydrogen potential by 23%, from 3.5 to 4.3 units, the alkalinity decreased from 4,100 to 1,833 mg/L of CaCO3 obtaining an efficiency of 54%, the chemical oxygen demand decreased by 61%, modifying with the treatment from 20,816 to 6,700 mg/L and the biochemical oxygen demand went from 16,511 to 5,541 mg / having a decrease of 37%.


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How to Cite

Montes Peña, A. G. ., & Pocasangre Collazos, A. (2019). Evaluation of an anaerobic baffle reactor (ABR) for the treatment of wastewater from a wet coffee mill. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 14(1), 61–69. Retrieved from https://revistas.usac.edu.gt/index.php/asa/article/view/1172



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