Sludge production per capita, in stabilization ponds, from domestic wastewater.
Biological Processes, Nutrients, bathymetry, surface charge, hydraulic retention, organic matterAbstract
This article presents the issue of the production of domestic sewage sludge, in the stabilization lagoons of the pilot plant Ing. Arturo Pasos Sosa, of the ERIS Sanitary Engineering Regional School of the University of San Carlos of Guatemala, in the system in series of two lagoons, being the first facultative and the second of maturation, in order to determine the production of sludge per capita. The estimation of the total volume of sedimented muds and their spatial distribution was determined by performing bathymetry, which was developed with a grid with squares of one meter by one meter, on which the measurement of heights was made. For the facultative lagoon, 736 measurements of mud height were made, and 768 height measurements were made in the maturation lagoon. The zones with the highest accumulation of sediment sludge were determined by analyzing the behavior of the sedimentation in relation to the total length of the lagoon. A sludge production value of 0.075 m3 / inhabitant / year was obtained. The operation time for the analysis of the stabilization ponds, on the date of the study was 12 years (2,004 - 2,016) from its construction and operation.
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