Assessment of the technical and environmental sustainability of solid waste management at the municipality of Salcajá, department of Quetzaltenango


  • Edy Wilfrido Nimatuj Gómez Ingeniero civil, M.Sc. Ingeniería Sanitaria, ERIS-USAC.


Diagnosis, environment, waste, final disposal, recycle, dump, composting


This article presents an analysis of the volumes, technical and environmental aspects for the proper management of solid waste generated in the municipality of Salcajá, department of Quetzaltenango, based on the physical and chemical characteristics, and the capacities of the municipality. The current situation was diagnosed, in terms of the waste characteristics, collection and transport service, cleaning of public areas, treatment and final disposal. An average production volume of 11,214 kg / day of solid waste was determined, equivalent to a per capita production of 0.54 kilograms / habitant / day, of which 52.58% is organic compostable. 4.55% paper and cardboard, 9.48% sanitary waste, 4.84% plastic, 8.62% food waste, 4.15% textiles, 5.86% metals, 1.59% duroport, 3.42% glass, 2.28% aluminum and 2.64% electronic, the pH of waste generated solids is 5.74, the humidity percentage is 82.68%, the percentage of ash is 16.76%. Based on these results, a proposal was made for the final disposal of waste, and the capacity of the municipality to develop this action plan in a way that is technically sustainable, as well as the factors that allow the environmental sustainability of said proposal, were analyzed through the implementation of a modified Leopold matrix.


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How to Cite

Nimatuj Gómez, E. W. (2020). Assessment of the technical and environmental sustainability of solid waste management at the municipality of Salcajá, department of Quetzaltenango. Agua, Saneamiento & Ambiente, 15(1), 68–76. Retrieved from



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