Psychosocial affectations resulting from victims of armed violence care in Guatemala
psychosocial impact, secondary traumatic stress, Burnout syndrome, psychopathologyAbstract
This paper discusses the difference between psychosocial effects caused by the treatment of victims of armed violence and working conditions of two entities that are dedicated to this task. The research findings show that the unfavorable conditions in the workplace produce symptoms associated with burnout. However, the object of intervention (past and current armed violence) evidence psychosocial symptoms associated with secondary traumatic stress category. The research seeks to understand these phenomena as preventable and predictable in societies with high rates of violence. In order to reflect the objectives, a mixed design with qualitative preponderance was used, that articulated the application of a survey on professional wear and participatory action research. The survey data were analyzed by calculating chi-square, significant differences were evident in the presence of burnout in workers treating current armed violence cases regarding the past violence cases. To compare these data interviews were conducted as part of the psychosocial support, which helped deepen the differences between working conditions and the effects produced by serving victims of armed violence.
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