Science and human development. Communicology contributions to social well being


  • Wagner Dí­az Choscó Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala


communicology, communication, information, interaction, new technologies


This essay analyzes the contributions of communicology research to understand technological changes in communication and its impact on human development in areas such as education, health and economy. It starts from the premise that human beings had never been so dependent on technology and consumerism that comes along with it, specially for machines that give us information and interaction. Communicology investigates how the human machine information-communication relationship is and how this interdependence modifies its behavior and, moreover, their thought processes and learning. Communicology is defined as the scientific interdisciplinary study of how humans use new technologies to communicate, what the consequences are; that means, what their role is in human behavior and society. It is a very useful discipline to understand the development or underdevelopment, comfort or discomfort of the people, which, as explained, are immersed in the ocean technology, that is why we sustain that scientific knowledge of communication provides important insights that lead to the well being of society.


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How to Cite

Dí­az Choscó, W. (2014). Science and human development. Communicology contributions to social well being. Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 1(1), 61–68. Retrieved from


