José Cecilio del Valle: Independence and statistics


  • Marí­a del Carmen Muñoz Paz


Writing about José Cecilio del Valle becomes an interesting task as there are many authors and works that have been written about his life and work, just as there are countless issues addressed by him, and in the same way there are abundant topics for to be analyzed. The article reveals the author’s ideas on the definition and usefulness of statistics for the service of what he calls “good governance”. The independence process visualized by José Cecilio del Valle, leads to express the needs and obligations that the formation of a new State, with new institutions and new laws, and in that sense his writings are routed to illustrate about important issues, where stands the statistics as a source of information. The analysis is confined to the written report by José Cecilio del Valle in the newspaper El Amigo de la Patria (Guatemala, 1820-1822), from that analysis helps answer to answer the question: Why is José Cecilio del Valle recognized as the precursor of statistics in Central America?


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Author Biography

Marí­a del Carmen Muñoz Paz

Profesora investigadora del Centro de Estudios Urbanos y Regionales (CEUR). Candidata a Doctora en Investigación Social por la Universidad Panamericana de Guatemala, Maestra en Historia Iberoamericana por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientí­ficas -CSIC, Madrid, España y Licenciada en Historia por la Escuela de Historia de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Paz, M. del C. (2015). José Cecilio del Valle: Independence and statistics . Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades, 2(2), 41–50. Retrieved from


