Policy and Legislative Interventions for Non-communicable Diseases


  • Adrián Chávez García Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


Chronic diseases, Public policies, Food and nutrition security, Health legislation, Health promotion


The article analyzes the epidemiological situation in the country and highlights how non-communicable chronic diseases impact both health and the economy of families and the public health system. It focuses on how these diseases share common risk factors and emphasizes the need for public policies aimed at reducing the prevalence of these risks. The article acknowledges that the
Food and Nutritional Security Policy (POLSAN) includes risk reduction and should be considered a ‘State Policy.’ In this regard, all state institutions must ensure that new laws, programs, norms, resources, and state efforts are directed toward its implementation. Additionally, it recognizes that the tenth legislative session has allowed for the discussion of laws such as the Comprehensive Cancer
Care Law and the Healthy Eating Promotion Law, whose approval would contribute to implementing two of the thematic axes within POLSAN and reducing the incidence of diseases that are currently affecting the population and undermining the economy of millions of Guatemalan families.

Author Biography

Adrián Chávez García, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.

Medical Doctor and Surgeon, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala.


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Decreto 54-2022. Ministerio de Finanzas Públicas de Guatemala. Recuperado de https://minfin.gob.gt/oficializan-ley-para-la-atencion-integral-del-cancer/

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Imagen de instrumento médico para medir la presión arterial.



How to Cite

Chávez García, A. (2024). Policy and Legislative Interventions for Non-communicable Diseases. Análisis De La Realidad Nacional, 13(262), 40–51. Retrieved from https://revistas.usac.edu.gt/index.php/arn/article/view/1839