A brief analysis of Credit Derivatives in the Guatemalan stock market


  • Carlos Enrique Izaguirre Velásquez


Premium, Credit, options, Markets, Brokers, securities, Stocks, Bonds, Contracts


Financial derivative products, which range from simple forward contracts to products with a variety of purchase and payment options, are increasingly gaining importance in global financial markets. These derivatives provide investors with the ability to manage and transfer risk associated with the eventuality of a debtor's financial default. They are already being implemented in numerous emerging markets and, as the financial sector deepens and stabilizes, their use will undoubtedly increase. This study provides fundamental information about the different types of derivatives that are traded or exchanged, data related to the Guatemalan stock market, and an example of how these products are valued, as well as their accounting record and statistical treatment.

Author Biography

Carlos Enrique Izaguirre Velásquez

Industrial Engineer. Master in Energy and Environment
Current PhD student in Economics and Finance


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Hull, J. C. (2006). Options, futures, and other derivatives. Pearson Education.

Miller, M. H. (1999). Los Mercados de Derivados. (1a. Edición).

Tosi, R. & otros. (2010). Mercado de Capitales, Manual para no especialistas. Editorial Temas.

Imagen de una gráfica de barras y de de líneas



How to Cite

Izaguirre Velásquez, C. E. (2024). A brief analysis of Credit Derivatives in the Guatemalan stock market. Análisis De La Realidad Nacional, 13(264), 62–73. Retrieved from https://revistas.usac.edu.gt/index.php/arn/article/view/1775