Youth Participation in the Guatemalan Legislative Process: Perspectives from Critical Legal Theory



Law, Critical theory, Democracy, Adultcentrism


Youth participation in the Guatemalan legislative process, from a critical conceptual point of view, has as its central axis the production of knowledge. This is based on logical methods of deductive and inductive character. Conceptual tools of the hermeneutic method are synthesized, whose meaning is determined holistically with the synthetic method. It explores how the integration of young people in politics can transform and revitalize democracy in Guatemala. Key concepts of Jürgen Habermas, Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben are highlighted to contextualize and identify youth exclusion and the need for greater representativeness. They also highlight the institutionalization of adultcentrism in Guatemalan politics. They propose the incorporation of age subdistinctions to promote greater inclusion and social justice. It is emphasized that youth participation represents a challenge to existing power structures and is also crucial to build a more equitable and democratic society.

Author Biography

Nilton Daniel Diaz Ramírez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Instituto de Análisis e Investigación de los Problemas Nacionales

Researcher, National Secretariat of Science and Technology.
Researcher, National Secretariat of Science and Technology code12098:


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Fotografía de un grupo de jóvenes en el Hemiciclo del Congreso de la República de Guatemala.



How to Cite

Diaz Ramírez, N. D. (2024). Youth Participation in the Guatemalan Legislative Process: Perspectives from Critical Legal Theory. Análisis De La Realidad Nacional, 13(264), 51–61. Retrieved from