Deadly Heat in a Political Jungle Deadly Heat in a Political Jungle


  • Robert Hunziker


Climate change, inter-party competition, environmental policy, fossil fuels, clean energy


Robert Hunziker reviews Democratic and Republican approaches to climate change. In less than a hundred days, elections will be held in the United States of America. President Biden declined his candidacy in favor of Kamala Harris, who made the environment one of her main concerns for years. She prosecuted polluters as California attorney general and sponsored the Green New Deal
as a senator. Instead, Republican candidate Donald Trump has lashed out at Biden's climate policies. He derides clean energy. The former president promises to return the United States to fossil fuels. He openly asks the oil industry to sponsor his election campaign.


La Revista Análisis de la Realidad Nacional publica este artículo con la autorización escrita de Robert Hunziker.


Fotografía de Donald Trump



How to Cite

Hunziker, R. (2024). Deadly Heat in a Political Jungle Deadly Heat in a Political Jungle. Análisis De La Realidad Nacional, 13(264), 31–37. Retrieved from