Forest Regeneration in the Maya Biosphere Reserve


  • Jorge Cruz Bolaños Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza
  • Manuel Manzanero Universidad Panamericana
  • William Zac Consultor independiente


Natural regeneration, forest management, forestry concessions, basal area


In the Multiple Uses Zone of the Maya Biosphere Reserve, in northern Guatemala, timber forest management has been carried out for more than 20 years in forestry concessions. These forestry operations are the basis of a strategy to conserve forests and generate socioeconomic benefits for residents. They directly impact the vegetation where the logs of commercial species are cut and dragged. In this study, the sites where the vegetation is directly disturbed were evaluated, finding that after 13 years of felling, the basal area recovers to at least 29% of that of the forests intheir natural state. These results suggest that with felling cycles from 25 and 40 years the basal area recovers.

Author Biographies

Jorge Cruz Bolaños, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza

Magister Scientiae in Integrated Watershed Management, Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza.

Manuel Manzanero, Universidad Panamericana

Master en Ciencias de la Universidad panamericana, Rainforest Alliance

William Zac, Consultor independiente

Independent Consultant specializing in tropical forest management and research.


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How to Cite

Cruz Bolaños, J., Manzanero, M., & Zac, W. (2024). Forest Regeneration in the Maya Biosphere Reserve. Análisis De La Realidad Nacional, 13(259), 105–124. Retrieved from